Sunday, August 24, 2014

Nice Ride into Marion Springs


Came up with a blown rear tire just east of Merrill. Thankful for a spare tube. Pray I won't need another for a while until I can find a bike shop.

St. Peter's Lutheran

Nice to meet the Swanson's, Chad and Brooke. They go to St. Peter's in Hemlock, and what a coincidence -- Chad works with Debbie Garcia, so right away he knew Ray and Deb. 

Concordia Compact

Years ago Grace established the Concordia Compact, a vehicle to acknowledge and support young people considering and pursuing ministry vocations either as Lutheran pastors, teachers, deaconesses, or other professional parish workers.  Grace also established separately the Grace Endowment as an avenue by which donors may fund a legacy of support for the ministry of Grace, Auburn.  Dale and Sharon Pickelman are one wonderful example of those who have utilized the Grace Endowment to give enduring support to those pursuing ministry vocations.  Such are the gifts of which Revelation speaks, "Blessed indeed .... for their works follow them." (Rev. 14:13)

St. Mark Lutheran, Shields

Shared a few words of greeting with the folks at St. Mark's. Here's a picture of them with Pastor Ed Meyer. One of their members said they were looking for a seminary student to support. Others knew Aaron's parents, Bob and Teresa.

Kramer Chapel

One building stands above all others at Concordia Theological Seminary.  Kramer Chapel rises over one hundred feet above the Upper Plaza, the spiritual center of the campus. Theological formation begins in the chapel and is centered there.  Every weekday the seminary community gathers in the chapel to receive the gifts of life and salvation, pray, sing and make music to the Lord.  It is in the chapel that seminarians grow as children of God and where they, as future pastors, learn through worship, liturgy, song, and preaching.   Pastoral formation continues always through Word and Sacrament, and through ongoing presence at daily Matins, Morning Prayer, Vespers and Compline.

Pastoral Call

With Steve in the hospital-- stopped early for a call on Betty Lindstrom. Keep Steve in your prayers this week.

See Ya!

Concordia Theological Seminary

Sunday Greeting to Aaron and Diana

Vanguard Support

Jim Prahl was the very first with support!  And every dollar from Jimmy comes with ten times as much love!  Jimmie has set us an example.  It's not so much the funding.  It's the HEART!  And he's done both.  Thanks for leading the way, Jim!

Thanks also for vanguard support from Iris Dominoski, Jan Reisig, Ralph and Janice Fogg, Art and Elaine Prahl, and Cliff and Jan Vennix.  Before the first mile was ridden they were on board with support.